Don’t Know How to Wrap Quick Bread?

I bake a lot of bread during the holiday season. Most of the time, I give it away on a plate or serve it fresh whenever I have visitors over. But this year I wanted to make my baked gifts to look a little nicer. Although it took a few tries, I now have a method for wrapping dessert loaves like Amish Friendship Cinnamon Bread.

If you struggle to wrap your quick bread for gifting, check out my step-by-step guide on I have pictures to go along with my instructions. I also give a few tips and suggestions for keeping the loaf fresh while it’s wrapped.

This Will Be My Last Bread Post This Year

Just so you know, I plan to go on hiatus because I’m having a baby at the end of November. I’m going to use the remaining months of this year adjusting to life with a newborn and bonding my child.

But don’t assume I’m giving up on my blog entirely!

Baking, photography, and writing are some of my favorite things to do. I have next year’s posts planned, and I hope that I can get a jumpstart on a few of them in the next few weeks before the baby gets here. It will be tough to create all the content out that I have in mind, but I am excited to pick things up where I left off.

I Love Your Tips and Tricks

I’m not as crafty as I’d like to be. There’s definitely a lot of room for improvement. If you have a tried and true method for wrapping your quick bread so it looks nice, please let me know your tips and tricks in my comment sections. I don’t mind if you leave notes on my personal blog or on my bread blog – in fact, I love all kinds of interactions and engagements with my readers.

And if you want to wish me luck with my newborn, you can always drop me a line through my contact me page.


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