Categories: Artistic Creations

Slow but Steady Artistic Progress

Hey there! I know I keep disappearing.

It seems like I never quite have enough time to do everything I want. I have way too many hobbies, and too many household chores, so I’m always forgetting to do something.

Anyways, I just thought I’d hop on and share that I’ve been drawing again, sort of. I try to draw when I feel inspired and sometimes that means I draw for a few days and then stop for a few weeks.

Here’s one of my latest drawings:

I still have a long way to go before I feel comfortable with my drawing style. It seems like my style changes every time I sit down with my iPad. But I feel pretty proud of this one. The shading and the shape of it feels good to me. I still struggle drawing guys, but I’m happy with the hair at least.

And even my line art feels pretty solid. Although I tend to change my lines around as I color, I stuck to lines for the most part.

Oh, and did I mention this was a redraw from a drawing I did about a year ago? Here’s the difference a year can make, even if I don’t draw consistently yet. I still don’t know what I’m doing with backgrounds, but I feel like my character drawings have more depth to them. The proportions feel a little more balanced, and the colors feel like they work together a little better.

I’m excited to see what the future brings. Hopefully I keep improving.


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