Not too long ago, I overheard a conversation between some of my friends. They were discussing their hopes for the future, and they mentioned some of their plans for the next 5 years. Many of their plans involved changes to their careers, their education, and their lifestyle.
The discussion got me thinking about my own life and how, most of the time, I just try to get through each day. I do my best to keep our home tidy and my family cared for, but beyond that, the future just looks like a fuzzy blob.
I guess today is as good a day as any to sit down and think about where I’m at right now and the direction I’m going. Feel free to join me on this trip down memory lane and where I’ll see myself in 5 years.
For me to really predict where I see myself in 5 years, I think I should recap how the last 5 years (or so) have gone. It’s kind of crazy all the stuff that’s happened in just a short time, and of course, I can’t include everything here, so I’m just listing the big moments.
At the beginning of my marriage, I lived in a 2 bedroom apartment with my husband – and it was plenty of space for just us. But about 5 years ago, we realized that we would need more room for several reasons. First, we wanted to grow our little family. Second, we wanted to work from home and didn’t have enough space for an office capable of doing reliable remote work. And third, we were renting the apartment from our in-laws and they needed to sell the space so they could pursue other things.
So we bought ourselves our first townhome.
It’s nothing fancy and it gets the job done. We love the location and how it’s close to so many of our favorite places to eat and shop. And in today’s market, it’s definitely cheaper to pay a mortgage than it is to pay rent.
A few years ago, I took this lovely bee photo with my clip-on macro lens and a Google Pixel. I had taken pictures of bees before with my phone, and I had taken a few macro photos of still life objects before as well. But it hadn’t occurred to me until then that I could actually get close enough to a bee to photograph one.
I still love this picture a great deal. I love seeing the pollen on the little fuzzy hairs on this bee, and I love seeing the way the dandelion wraps around its head and legs.
But I also like to think that I’ve improved a bit in my photography in the last few years. I’ve purchased a decent camera* since then, and I’ve taken an online photography course or two to improve my skills. Feel free to check out my photography fun posts to see what I’ve taken pictures of lately.
In addition to photography, I’ve tried a lot of other fun hobbies to keep me busy: avocado pit carving, bread baking, gardening, watercolor painting, gardening, and now macaron making.
I can’t believe my daughter is 5 already. It’s blowing my mind. Seriously, when did she grow from a little peanut to a long-legged Amazonian queen?
Anyways, having a baby was definitely a big event for me. Learning to mom is hard, and I’m still not very good at it. I try my best, and we all learn to be a family together. We butt heads from time to time and we have room for improvement.
And of course, we fill our house with lots and lots of love.
Now that I’ve looked back on what’s happened the last 5 years, it’s time to think forward and envision where I’ll see myself in 5 years. Maybe I’ll blow on a dandelion or two and see what happens.
Our little townhouse has been great to us the last 5 years. It’s in a fantastic location and it has just enough room for us to function.
But I would love something a little bigger.
With all the baking I do, a larger kitchen with a nicer oven would be fantastic. With all the carving and similar projects I work on, an attached garage with enough space for a workbench would be a dream. And as much as I love our yard with its garden boxes and tomato bags, a bigger backyard with room to grow enough flowers to attract bees would be lovely.
Of course, in today’s economy, finding a house that meets these ideals might not happen, and I’m okay with that. My family and I can stay here as long as we need to and just keep dreaming of a future house. Eventually, I’ll snag that dream house for myself in 5 years, or maybe it might take a little longer.
I collect a lot of hobbies. Between carving, painting, baking, and gardening, you’d think that I have more than enough to keep me busy for the rest of my life, right?
But I love trying new things. I love learning and discovering what works for me. I could keep learning and puttering for the rest of my life and feel completely content.
I’m not sure what new things await me, but I do have a list of things I’d like to try doing myself in 5 years. Sewing clothes could be fun. Crocheting toys and scarves would be neat. Pottery has always seemed like a cool hobby. Stargazing could be my next big thing.
I love my daughter fiercely, and I love our little family. Sometimes I wish we could stay this size forever and just stay snug as bugs.
But lately my daughter has been asking for a little brother or little sister to play with. And sometimes my husband points out that it would be nice to have a baby to cuddle again.
I’ve never felt any pressure from my family to have another baby, but it might be in the cards in the next 5 years. To anyone reading this, I assure you, this is NOT a pregnancy announcement. It’s just a thought of what the future might bring.
I have a lot of fun things I’m looking forward to doing in the next five years. When I think about where I see myself in 5 years, I get a little jolt of excitement and energy. Anything seems possible right now.
But where do you see yourself in 5 years? Feel free to comment below.
*As an Amazon associate, I receive a small commission on purchases from affiliate links. These links support my site and help keep it running, thank you.
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