Categories: Personal Adventures

Happy Mother’s Day to All You Lovely Ladies

Alrighty! I am back from my month-long mental health break, and I must say that I am so glad I took the time off. I feel refreshed and ready to tackle the next batch of posts, though probably not at the same break-neck pace as before. I may even take another hiatus if things catch up to me again.

And you know what? That’s okay.

This week I’m reminding myself that I don’t have to work on my bread blog like my income depends on it. I don’t have to keep my house spotless or the laundry folded or the dishes clean all the time. I’m not a robot. I’m not a machine. I’m not perfect.

I’m a mom.

So this week I’m tipping my hat off to all the moms out there in honor of Mother’s Day. And yes, that includes giving myself a pat on the back. Credit where credit is due so to speak.

Moms Are Strong

Before I got pregnant for the second time, I went to the gym regularly. Surprising, I know, but I did. I had a personal goal to jog more and not have flimsy stick arms. I had a weight lifting routine that focused almost entirely on toning my biceps and triceps and shoulders.

However, when I gave birth to Liam, I was advised not to lift anything for a while until I healed. And I haven’t had time to go to the gym since. But my arms are just as strong, if not more so than ever.

Turns out that carrying a baby is an incredibly effective way to build muscle. My boy is over 11 pounds now, and he just went through a sleep regression quickly followed by cutting his first two teeth. All sleep went out the window, and I had to hold and rock my baby for what felt like forever. I put in some serious reps getting my boy to smile again.

And now every time I see my mom, I realize just how strong she would have had to be to lift all 5 of her babies over the years. She carried us, and now she carries the grandbabies. And even more importantly, she lifts me still – giving me encouragement as I go through all my stages of motherhood.

As you celebrate this Mother’s Day, take a moment to recognize just how strong all the lovely ladies in your life are. Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally strong. And not just your mother, but your best friend. Your sister. Your squad. We’re all stronger together.

Moms Are Beautiful

Being a mom has taken a toll on my appearance. Hormones have triggered wave after wave of acne. Nursing leaves me dehydrated and sleep deprived, resulting in more prominent wrinkles and bags these days. I can’t remember the last time I did anything to my hair other than to brush it or pull it back into a ponytail. When I look in the mirror, I barely recognize myself.

On the other hand, I can’t help but revel in just how gorgeous my children are. Both my daughter and my son have my blue-gray eyes and my light-colored skin. They have adorable round faces and crooked pinkies. My daughter has my dimples and a scattering of freckles just across her nose. My son has my long dark eyelashes.

They have so much of me in them that to call myself ugly would be to insult their appearance. If my children are the most beautiful beings in the world, surely, I must be beautiful in some sense as well.

As I contemplate how motherhood has affected me, I can’t help but recognize that I’ve always seen my own mother as the most beautiful woman in the world. As a child, I loved her soft skin and dark eyes. Her hair was shiny and her eyelashes were long too, like mine.

Although I have a hard time seeing it in myself these days, I have to remember that moms are absolutely beautiful. Their smiles light up a room. They are everything to their children and their loved ones. They make the world a lovelier place simply by being their beautiful selves.

So my dear reader, remember that you are beautiful. And don’t forget to tell your mom that she’s beautiful too on Mother’s Day.

Moms Are Brave

I’m a nervous kind of person. As a result, I’ve dealt with a lot of anxiety over the years. I shake whenever I have to get behind the wheel and drive somewhere new. I stutter whenever I have to make a phone call to anyone other than my mom or my husband. I tremble when I have to socialize in a big group.

But I will drop those fears in a heartbeat if I need to do anything for my kids. My daughter needs to go to school? I will drive her there. My son needs his next well-check? I will call the doctor and schedule his appointment. My kids are having a double birthday party? I will round up the guests and smile at every parent.

Everyday my kids teach me how to be brave. My fears don’t magically go away – I still get nervous and shaky. But I’ve learned how to roll my shoulders, stand up tall, and plaster on a smile for my son and my daughter. I feel like a super hero, but instead of fighting bad guys, I’m fighting colds and rainy days.

And those are just the little ways I’m brave. There are lots of moms out there that face a lot more than a few minutes of minor traffic. Poverty, long-term illness, and death of a loved one – to name a few. You might not realize it, but your mom or your sister or your neighbor or your cousin may be the bravest people you know. Life’s tough, but these women are tougher. So maybe for Mother’s Day, remember just how brave they are.

Moms Deserve the Extra Love

A lot of moms work very hard for their families, and many of them go under-appreciated. I hope as you go about your Mother’s Day that you take a few moments to acknowledge how brave, beautiful, and strong the women in your life are. They deserve the extra love because they’re often the ones to give the extra love.

Anyways, I know I ramble a bit in this post. It’s more sentimental than my usual personal blog entries. But I figured I’d take a little bit more time today because my mom is fantastic, and she’s the reason I wanted to become a mom myself.

But what about your mom? Do you have fond memories you’d like to share? Or maybe you have a special lady in your life that isn’t a mom but has more than earned some gratitude and appreciation? Feel free to chat about them in the comment section below.


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Tags: Doodles

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