Fall weather is officially here! Crunchy leaves. Warm snuggly hoodies and blankets. Lots of excuses to stay indoors and cuddle. And with fall weather comes fall food – cozy soups, homestyle chili, and thick tasty breads to dunk in both.
For this week’s bread blog post, I shared a yummy skillet cornbread recipe. And I love how it turned out. It puffed up in the skillet so beautifully and the flavor was absolutely perfect. You can check out the classic skillet cornbread recipe at Breadbythehour.com.
Just as a Heads up . . .
Fall weather also means the arrival of end-of-the-year holidays. As usual, I’m going to have a Thanksgiving and Black Friday sale on my Etsy shop, though this year, I’m also going to have the same sale on my blog. So whichever site you end up going to, you can still snag a good deal.
The sale will run from November 23 to November 30, so you have a whole week to find a good gift.
Depending on how the Thanksgiving sale goes, I may run another sale in December to clear out my stock before the end of the year.
Additionally, I will probably slow down my bread blog posts. I have two more recipes scheduled to post this year, and then I think I’m going to take a break from my bread blog. I’ll start it up again after the holidays with a bunch of fresh recipes.
I’ll keep you posted about my plans as things progress.