Alrighty. I know you’ve been waiting a long time for this. And it’s finally here.
Just look at this gorgeous loaf! This 100% whole wheat artisan-style sourdough bread took me a long time to perfect. Over the past year I’ve been experimenting with 100% whole wheat, but each time the recipe came out dense or flat or unsatisfying.
So I made my own.

I Spent Ages Getting It Right
It took me a lot of tweaking and adjusting. I changed rise times. Bumped up the hydration. Lowered the levain. I basically did everything I knew how to ensure that crumb was open enough to make the loaf light and fluffy, but not so open that your sandwich fixings would fall through.
And I finally nailed it.
I’m bragging about it here because not a lot of people would understand just how much work it was to make my own recipe. I’ve tried a LOT of other recipes that I’ve found online in places like Google and Reddit, and NONE of them were right for me.
So now that it’s finally here, I can rest and enjoy my Whole Wheat Artisan Sourdough bread.
Ground My Own Flour
I feel a bit smug when I say this, but I ground my own flour to make this bread. I purchased a Wondermill Wheat Grinder as well as a big bucket of wheat from Costco, and I’m so happy I did. Store-bought whole wheat bread flour can be expensive. Since I had to make this recipe again and again before I got it right, I saved a lot of money in ingredients by grinding the flour myself.
I highly recommend this wheat grinder – it’s been serving me faithfully time and time again. As an Amazon associate, I do receive a commission for sharing this product with you, but only if you purchase it. I don’t get paid for the recommendation itself, nor do I work with Wondermill.
Don’t feel obligated to purchase this grinder just because I did. Feel free to buy your own whole wheat flour, or shop around for a wheat grinder that’s right for you.
Did You Try It?
I really hope you go on over to my bread blog and give my whole wheat artisan sourdough recipe a look over. I worked hard to give step-by-step instructions with pictures so even beginning bakers could make the recipe. Of course, it takes time to make a good loaf, but I have to say that it’s totally worth it.
If you do try my 100% whole wheat artisan sourdough bread, could you let me know? A little comment goes a long way. I love hearing about your experiences, and your feedback could make my recipe even better. If you’d rather reach me directly, feel free to email me through my contact me page.