Check it out! A new hand-made necklace is available in my shop. I carved a triskel or triskelion or triple spiral. Whatever you want to call it.
I finally made my shop available on my blog! Check out my latest carvings and prints - maybe buy a few if you want.
I've been taking lots of pictures of bugs this summer. Here are a few of my favorite photos.
Hey guess what - I improved since last year! Here's the difference a year can make in my art.
Here a few more bees for your viewing pleasure.
I drew a girl with pink hair. How fun.
My daughter helped me find some bees hiding in a bush. I love our little walks and adventures.
I'm trying to figure out how to push my expressions a little more. I'm still learning to draw, and I kind of like how it turned out. Sort of.
I love taking pictures of flowers. These clematis keep catching my eye again and again.
I love taking pictures of flowers. I found some Clematis near a fence and just wanted to share how pretty they are.